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Domain 1: Planning and Preparation 

Lesson plans​:

The lesson plans below demonstrate my achievement of  Danielson Domains: 

1a. Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy

1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students

1c. Setting Instructional Outcomes

1d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources

1e. Designing Coherent Instruction 

1f. Designing Student Assessments

Example 1:

Create Focused Lesson

In this lesson, students individually create choreography based on their Map of Space. Then, in the process of assembling their individual choreography with their groups, students create moments of contact with their partners. 

Example 2:

Performance Focused Lesson

As students prepare for their upcoming performance, they individually self-reflect on their performance preparation, embodiment of steps, and execution of quality. 

Example 3:

Connect Focused Lesson

In this lesson, students individually connect their own movement preference of free flow or bound flow to aspects of their personal characteristics and attributes. 

Example 4:

Respond Focused Lesson

When students perform their progress showings, they respond to each-other's work while utilizing the sentence starter, "I found it interesting when you used _____ because _____."

Design of Assessments:

The assessments below demonstrate my achievement of  Danielson Domain: 

1f. Designing Student Assessments

Example Rubrics:

Example Checklists:

Example Assessments:

Planning Resources​:

The resources below demonstrate my achievement of  Danielson Domains: 

1d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources

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